Supporting Off-Leash Recreation and Responsible Dog Ownership
Latest News:
March 25, 2025: 11 AM update, 58 Degrees. Very soft snow at WANOGA. SKI AT YOUR OWN RISK, we have been unable to groom since Saturday and conditions are deteriorating quickly. Be mindful of post holes and the snow’s uneven surface and its effect on our 4 legged companions. Still waiting on repair status of our snowmobile.

Dogpac's mission is to promote the health and enjoyment of dogs and their guardians through the provision of off-leash recreation opportunities in Central Oregon. We hope this site, our advocacy, and our on-the-ground work enhance your enjoyment of outdoor experiences with your dog. It is important for you and others that your dog behaves responsibly when off-leash.

Explore the local area off-leash dog parks, summer and winter trails in Central Oregon.
All paws on deck needed to support off-leash areas throughout Central Oregon.
Dogpac's achievements have been made possible through the support of local businesses.